Thursday, June 16, 2011


I LOVE these! I love making them, I love wearing them! I can make these a clip to put in your hair, or a pin to put on your shirt! I can make them into almost any color you would like, as long as I can find the fabric! $5 for the bigger flowers, $3 for the smaller, and $4 for shipping. If you buy more then one flower I will bundle shipping for $1 for each extra flower!

1 comment:

  1. hey there angie and leslie.Blogging is a blast. Its nice to get back in touch with you. i noticed your new site throuh sarahs blog. way cute and yes you are both very talented. these are adorable. Ill be checking in more so keep those creative juices flowing. oh and sneak some of those bows on your little princess so i can see how much shes grown. nice finding you here in my neck fo the woods.

